The new Targaryens announced in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

In 2024, fans of the universe created by George R. R. Martin cannot complain: House of the Dragon is on air, there will be another season that could begin recording in the same year, and the recording of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has already begun. run, that is, if it wants, MAX could put the series on air in the first half of 2025. But there is even more! Important names in the cast were revealed, bringing to House Targaryen some actors that fans have always announced as necessary. Let’s see who.

The official summary of the story, according to the platform, announces that a century before the events of Game of Thrones, two unlikely heroes roamed Westeros… a young, naive but brave knight, Ser Duncan the Tall, and his diminutive squire, Egg.

Set in a time when the Targaryen bloodline still holds the Iron Throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet faded from living memory, great destinies, powerful enemies, and dangerous exploits await these unlikely and incomparable friends.

The series is the adaptation of one of Martin’s most popular books and a long-standing desire of the most radical fans, so it will be one that we will hear a lot of complaints from those we know to be “purists”, that’s for sure. On the other hand, it will be one of the most beloved, I also bet.

After months of speculation about who the main actors would be, MAX announced that Peter Claffey and Dexter Sol Ansell would be Ser Duncan the Tall and Egg, his squire. Neither of them is so well known that it interferes with the story and they were embraced by fans with great expectations. Little Dexter has already shared a video that went viral with his preparation to play little Aegon, who shaves his hair so as not to reveal his Targaryen identity.

Knowing who leads the cast just over two months before recording began was important, after all, speculation was high. Knowing this, we already have the first official image, showing Claffey as Duncan.

With all this resolved, other important Targaryens needed to be confirmed, and doesn’t one of the most speculated to enter Aegon’s Conquest actually join the Seven Kingdoms universe? That’s right, Finn Bennett has been confirmed as the feared Aerion Targaryen.

Finn stood out in the fourth season of True Detective and, although he is not the main character of the project, which is still in the early stages of working on the script, he is essential to play this controversial antagonist. Aerion is the son of Maekar I Targaryen and is always described as cruel and arrogant, generally detested for his sadistic and impetuous nature, which earned him the nickname Brightflame.

To play Maekar, MAX announced actor Sam Spruell, best known for always playing villains. In this case, it will be a less “cruel” role since Maekar I, also known as Maekar, the Young Dragon, ended up ascending the throne after the death of his older brothers and nephews, with a reign marked by internal conflicts. and challenges to his authority, and is described as stern and austere, but also fair and determined.

Another Targaryen in the series is Baelor Targaryen (Bertie Carvel), the King who entered History marked by his religious fanaticism. Bertie is an award-winning actor in British theater and was in the cast of Dr. Foster.

The latest names confirmed in the cast – for now – are Tanzyn Crawford as Tanselle and Daniel Ings as Ser Lyonel Baratheon. Tanselle is Ser Duncan’s romantic interest, one that will put him on a path to conflict with the dangerous Aerion. The actress was in the cast of Tiny Beautiful Things and will be featured in George R. R. Martin‘s plot.

Daniel Ings, a better-known face seen in successful series such as The Crown, Sex Education, and The Gentleman (where he was the protagonist’s priceless addicted and irritating brother), will be an ancestor of King Robert Baratheon from Game of Thrones, and through from his participation in the series’ crucial tournament, helps contextualize the chivalric and noble culture of Westeros.

Well, folks, in addition to having to understand who’s who in House of the Dragon, and figuring out how they get to Game of Thrones, we’ll have another group of names to trace the lineage. But isn’t that precisely what makes the franchise fun?

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