Don’t write Aidan off yet!

Well, we follow the externals of And Just Like That and spoilers pop up. After announcing that he would appear in the 1st season and being left out, returning in the second half of the 2nd season, actor John Corbett, our eternal Aidan Shaw, may be back. That’s right!

Aidan kind of catalyzed a lot of changes for Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker): by refusing to set foot in the apartment where he lived so many sad moments, he created an impasse for her, who is more than ready for that stable relationship she never wanted ( with him). Big’s widow, Carrie only felt good in her old apartment but, as proof of her love for Aidan and the commitment she wanted to have with him, she SOLD the property and bought another one that provided rooms for his children. Do you want greater proof of love than that?

It wasn’t enough and they had finished season 2 “separately”. Aidan returned to the country to support his troubled son, asking Carrie to wait for him for FIVE YEARS. She obviously didn’t agree, leaving it open that she would get on with her life, and if it was meant to be, who knows? Well, just like that, actor John Corbett was filming in New York today with Sarah Jessica Parker. And yes!!! Aidan runs back to his beloved shouting for her from the street.

What’s also cool is seeing that the tradition of the parade of Carrie leaving the house and going down the stairs to the street, always dressed to the nines, wasn’t stuck at the old address. We continue with the same parade now in the Village. The recordings continue and so does our follow-up!

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